MakeMeFood APK
APK Version History
- Version
- 1.0 (1)
- Architecture
- Unlimited
- Release Date
- August 11, 2016
- Requirement
- Android 2.3.4+ (Gingerbread MR1, API 10)
About Radio FM 90s
Ime aplikacije: Make Me Food
Izradio: Marko Iličić
Aplikacija koristi API za pretragu recepata s koja sadrži preko 1.000.000 recepata. API vraća rezultat pretrage u JSON formatu.
Kod pretrage je moguće uvrstiti razne parametre:
- sastojke koje želimo i koje ne želimo u receptu
- vrijeme pripreme jela
- odabir vegetarijanskih i sličnih jela
- jela bez određenih alergena (jaja, gluten, sezam …)
- okuse (slano, slatko, gorko…)
- broj rezultata po stranici
- samo jela koja sadrže slike
Funkcije aplikacije:
- pretraga recepata s naprednim opcijama
- spremanje/brisanje recepata u/iz baze za korištenje bez pristupa internetu
-spremanje/brisanje sastojaka za kupnju u obliku checkliste
Nedostaci API-a:
- rezultat sadrži samo popis namirnica potrebnih za pripremu jela, ali ne sadrži detaljan opis pripreme (potrebno je otići na originalnu stranicu gdje je recept objavljen )Application Name: Make Me Food
Prepared by: Mark Iličić
The application uses the API to search for recipes with containing over one million prescriptions. API returns a search result in JSON format.
When a search is possible to include a variety of parameters:
- Ingredients that we want and we do not want the recipe
- The cooking
- Selection of vegetarian dishes and similar
- Foods without specific allergens (egg, gluten, sesame ...)
- Tastes (salty, sweet, bitter ...)
- The number of results per page
- Only dishes that contain images
Functions of the application:
- Search recipes with advanced options
- Save / delete recipes to / from the database to use free Internet access
-spremanje/brisanje ingredients for purchase in the form of checklist
Disadvantages API:
- The result contains only a list of ingredients needed to prepare meals, but does not contain a detailed description of the preparation (it is necessary to go to the original site where the recipe published)