心魔 (小說) APK

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APK Version History

1.0 (2)
Release Date
September 09, 2016
Android 2.3.4+
  • 心魔 (小說) Screenshot
  • 心魔 (小說) Screenshot
  • 心魔 (小說) Screenshot
  • 心魔 (小說) Screenshot
  • 心魔 (小說) Screenshot
  • 心魔 (小說) Screenshot

About Radio FM 90s

章進 : (范Sir, 你們將我拘捕回來, 究竟我又犯了甚麼罪呢?)
范捷 : (章進, 你的紀錄已經不良, 別再在這裡喧嘩, 否則我再Charge多你一條罪.)
章進 : 他無耐的邊坐下來邊說道(真是世風日下, 現在的警員真的橫行霸道.)
范捷 : (你放心…我們警方做事, 向來都是有證據的, 否則也不會輕易將你拘捕回來.)
章進 : (那麼…麻煩范Sir告訴我…究竟我今次又所犯何事呢? 你們為何無緣無故將我鎖回來呢?)
范捷 : 他卻吩咐道(明珠, 告訴他究竟所犯何事?)
蔣明珠 : 她連忙答道(Yes Sir…章進, 因你牽涉到一宗謀殺案裡, 所以我們有理由相信, 你就是合謀把死者殺害後, 企圖奪取死者的保險金額達HK$3,000,000.00…)
章進 : 他聽到明珠的說話, 激動得站起來質問道.(甚麼? Madam…妳有沒有弄錯, 我怎會無緣無故犯上謀殺罪呢? 你們一定是弄錯, 我要找律師…我一定要找律師…)
程立民 : 眾人見狀, 擔心進的情緒會危害明珠, 便立即走上前制止道.(章進…你先冷靜下來, 我們會替你安排接見律師, 先別如此激動.)
章進 : (程Sir, 我有甚麼辦法不激動, 現在你們冤枉我謀殺, 可大可少…我一定要見律師…放開我…)
唐敏翹 : 眾人見狀, 擔心進的情緒會危害明珠, 便立即走上前制止道.(章進…先冷靜一點…)
章進 : (你們是否想屈打成招, 你們放開我…我要見律師…)
范捷 : 眾人見狀, 擔心進的情緒會危害明珠, 便立即走上前制止道.(章進…如你再這樣子, 我們會Charge多你一項罪…)
章進 : (還說你們不是想屈打成招, 你們想我死, 荒謬…我是絕對不會讓你們得償所願的…)
唐敏翹 : (程Sir, 章進現在如此激動, 看來他要見到律師, 才會與我們合作給予口供的.)
程立民 : (沒辦法…先替他安排接見律師, 待律師到達後, 再替他錄取口供.)......

E-mail: [email protected] Jin: (Fan Sir, you will be back to arrest me, what I committed a sin it?)
Vejle: (Zhang Jin, your record has been poor, and do not here much noise, otherwise I'll you a sin Charge more.)
Zhang Jin: Wu Nai sat down to his side and said (really Moral Degeneration, and now the police really domineering.)
Vejle: (Do not worry ... We police work, has always been there is evidence, otherwise it will not easily come back to arrest you.)
Zhang Jin: (So ... trouble Fan Sir tell me ... what I do anything this time they committed no reason why you would lock me back then??)
Vejle: he told Road (Pearl, told him exactly committed anything?)
Jiang Pearl: She quickly replied (Yes Sir ... Zhang Jin, because you involved in a murder, so we have reason to believe that, after you're dead conspiracy to murder, attempt to seize the deceased insured amount of HK $ 3,000,000.00 ...)
Zhang Jin: He heard speak Pearl, was moved to stand up and asks (what Madam ... u have no mistake, I am guilty of murder, how could reason it you must be mistaken, I am looking for a lawyer ... I have to.?? looking for a lawyer ...)
Cheng Limin: everyone rushed, worried into emotions would endanger Pearl, immediately stepped forward to stop the track (chapter into ... you first calm down, we will arrange for you met with lawyers, first do so excited.).
Zhang Jin: (Cheng Sir, what can I not be excited, and now you accuse me of murder, can be as large or as little ... I have to see a lawyer ... let me ...)
TangMin Alice: Everyone rushed out, worried into emotions would endanger Pearl, immediately stepped forward to stop the channel (first chapter into ... a little cool ...).
Zhang Jin: (Do you want to extract confessions, you let me go ... I want to see a lawyer ...)
Vejle: all seeing, worried into emotions would endanger Pearl, immediately stepped forward to stop the channel (chapter into ... as you go like this, we will Charge you more of a crime ...).
Zhang Jin: (said you do not want to extract confessions, you want me to die, is absolutely ridiculous ... I will not let you got what they wanted ...)
Tang Min Alice: (Cheng Sir, Zhang Jin is now so excited, it seems he wants to see a lawyer, will work with us to give confessions.)
Cheng Limin: (no way ... for him to arrange to interview a lawyer, to be a lawyer arrives, taking statements for him.) ......

Author: Twilight
E-mail: [email protected]

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