fnaf1234 - offline APK

fnaf1234 - offline  Icon
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585 Ratings
Current Version
Date Published
File Size
10.8 MB
Package ID
$ 0.00
Android Apps
Music & Audio

APK Version History

1.0.0 (1)
Release Date
March 28, 2018
Android 2.3.2+
  • fnaf1234 - offline Screenshot
  • fnaf1234 - offline Screenshot
  • fnaf1234 - offline Screenshot

About Radio FM 90s

If you’re a fan of FNAF 1234 Songs, then this app if for you!
You’ll find all the top hits of FNAF 1234 songs and lyrics here
You can listen Best FNAF Songs and many more songs From Best FNAF Song
Si vous êtes fan de Songs FNAF 1234 Full? Vous trouverez des paroles et chansons FNAF 1234 plein dans cette application! Vous souvenez-vous toujours ses chansons sont étonnantes.
Cette application est votre solution pour écouter sa chanson, dans cette application il ya aussi des paroles.
Nous nous réjouissons de votre commentaire positif.

Verse 1:
We're waiting every night
to finally roam and invite
newcomers to play with us
for many years we've been all alone

We're forced to be still and play
The same songs we've known since that day
An imposter took our life away
Now we're stuck here to decay

Please let us get in!
don't lock us away!
We're not like what you're thinking

We're poor little souls
who have lost all control
and we're forced here to take that role

We've been all alone
Stuck in our little zone
Since 1987

Join us, be our friend
or just be stuck and defend
after all you only got

Chorus: x2
Five Nights at Freddy's
Is this where you want to be
I just don't get it
Why do you want to stay

Verse 2:
We're really quite surprised
We get to see you another night
You should have looked for another job
you should have said to this place good-bye

It's like there's so much more
Maybe you've been in this place before
We remember a face like yours
You seem acquainted with those doors
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Please note that Free FNAF Songs 12345If you're a fan of FNAF 1234 Songs, then this app if for you!
You'll find all the top hits of FNAF 1234 songs and lyrics here
You can listen Best FNAF Songs and many more songs From Best FNAF Song
 Si vous êtes fan de Songs FNAF 1234 Full? Vous trouverez des paroles et chansons FNAF 1234 plein dans cette application! Vous souvenez-vous toujours ses chansons sont étonnantes.
Cette application est votre solution pour écouter sa chanson, dans cette application il ya aussi des paroles.
Nous nous réjouissons de votre commentaire positif.

Verse 1:
We're waiting every night
to finally roam and invite
newcomers to play with us
for many years we've been all alone

We're forced to be still and play
The same songs we've known since that day
An imposter took our life away
Now we're stuck here to decay

Please let us get in!
do not lock us away!
We're not like what you're thinking

We're poor little souls
who have lost all control
and we're forced here to take that role

We've been all alone
Stuck in our little zone
Since 1987

Join us, be our friend
or just be stuck and defend
after all you only got

Chorus: x2
Five Nights at Freddy's
Is this where you want to be
I just do not get it
Why do you want to stay

Verse 2:
We're really quite surprised
We get to see you another night
You should have looked for another job
you should have said to this place good-bye

It's like there's so much more
Maybe you've been in this place before
We remember a face like yours
You seem acquainted with those doors
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