concert stage design 3.1 APK

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APK Version History

3.1 (3)
Release Date
February 20, 2017
Android 2.3.4+
  • concert stage design Screenshot
  • concert stage design Screenshot
  • concert stage design Screenshot
  • concert stage design Screenshot
  • concert stage design Screenshot
  • concert stage design Screenshot
  • concert stage design Screenshot
  • concert stage design Screenshot

About Radio FM 90s

if you need or find reference information about the concert stage design then you are in the right place, because here we provide so much information and references as well as the idea of concert stage design which may help you to add insight and knowledge.

concert stage design lighting is the craft of lighting as it applies to the production of theatre, dance, opera and other performance arts. Several different types of concert stage design lighting instruments are used in this discipline. In addition to basic lighting, modern stage lighting can also include special effects, such as lasers and fog machines. People who work on stage lighting are commonly referred to as lighting technicians.

The equipment used for stage lighting (e.g., cabling, dimmers, lighting instruments, controllers) are also used in other lighting applications, including corporate events, concerts, trade shows, broadcast television, film production, photographic studios, and other types of live events. The personnel needed to install, operate, and control the equipment also cross over into these different areas of "concert stage lighting" applications.

Functions of lighting

dazzling light effects during a Kanye West show in 2011.
stage lighting has multiple functions, including:

selective visibility: The ability to see what is occurring on stage. Any lighting design will be ineffective if the viewers cannot see the characters, unless this is the explicit intent.
revelation of form: Altering the perception of shapes onstage, particularly three-dimensional stage elements.
focus: Directing the audience's attention to an area of the stage or distracting them from another.
Mood: Setting the tone of a scene. Harsh red light has a different effect than soft lavender light.
Location and time of day: Establishing or altering position in time and space. Blues can suggest night time while orange and red can suggest a sunrise or sunset. Use of mechanical filters ("gobos") to project sky scenes, the Moon, etc.
Projection/stage elements: Lighting may be used to project scenery or to act as scenery onstage.
Plot (script): A lighting event may trigger or advance the action onstage and off.
Composition: Lighting may be used to show only the areas of the stage which the designer wants the audience to see, and to "paint a picture".
Effect: In pop and rock concerts or DJ shows or raves, colored lights and lasers may be used as a visual effect.
Lighting design is an art form, and thus no one way is the "correct" way. There is a modern movement that states that the lighting design helps to create the environment in which the action takes place while supporting the style of the piece. "Mood" is arguable while the environment is essential.

Finally, I hope this can help you in the search and add your insights in the information and references about the concert stage lighting, and do not forget to invite your friends to download the application concert stage lighting, thank you very much, and see you

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