DG Phone Call Task Switcher 2.04 APK

DG Phone Call Task Switcher 2.04 Icon
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43 Ratings
Current Version
Date Published
File Size
33.7 KB
Package ID
$ 0.00
Android Apps

APK Version History

2.04 (2040)
Release Date
October 27, 2015
Android 4.0+
  • DG Phone Call Task Switcher Screenshot
  • DG Phone Call Task Switcher Screenshot

About Radio FM 90s

This is an add-on app for Time Recording and Time Recording Pro, helping you to add "task switches" within Time Recording for time spent on phone calls.

How does it work:
• Whenever a phone call ends, the app will show a status bar notification with start time, end time, and phone number.
Note this only kicks in for phone calls longer than 60 seconds!
• Tapping that notification will then do task switches within Time Recording at the given times:
- start of phone call: switch to task "Phone Call"
- end of phone call: switch back to previous task
• Work unit comment of that "Phone Call" entry is set to phone number and, if phone number is found in your list of contacts, contact name and company name of the matching contact entry.
• Time Recording Task lookup:
Time Recording tasks feature two free text "Extra" fields, these are optionally used for task identification (instead of statically assigning task "Phone Call")
- if the given phone number matches the content of one of these extra fields then this task will be assigned
Example: calls from/to phone number "+41 79 000 111 22" will resolve to that Time Recording task whose "Extra" field is set to "+417900011122" (no double quotes, spaces are ignored)
- alternatively, putting in one or more "{companyname}" or "{part of companyname}" tags in the "Extra" field will make it match against the given phone call's contact company
Example: a given phone number is linked to contact person X with company name "Great Outlet". This will then match against that Time Recording task whose "Extra" field is set to "{outlet}" or "{great outlet}" (case insensitive, with curly brackets, no double quotes)

Setup options:
Optionally, the app can:
• do the task switches automatically, instead of showing notifications.
• also kick in when off clock (which would trigger "add new work unit" instead of "switch task", with the same task lookup logic as explained above)
• only kick in for either incoming or outgoing calls

Permission details:
• "Reroute outgoing calls" is required to read the phone number of outgoing calls

What's New in this version

Jun/09: Fix a "force close"