Diseases and Treatments 1.0.0 APK

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Android Apps

APK Version History

1.0.0 (10000)
Release Date
August 05, 2017
Android 4.1+
  • Diseases and Treatments Screenshot
  • Diseases and Treatments Screenshot
  • Diseases and Treatments Screenshot
  • Diseases and Treatments Screenshot

About Radio FM 90s

Medicine Diseases
Natural recipes for the treatment of diseases
Treatment of stomach acidity
Irritable bowel syndrome
Treatment of indigestion
Treat the smell of mouth
Clean the liver
Hemorrhoid surgery
The most important information about hemorrhoid surgery is hemorrhoids.
Treatment of ED
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Goal:

The penis consists of one channel of semen and urine together, and three cells divided by solid fibrous walls filled with erectile tissue. If there is an appropriate catalyst, the blood cells coming from these cells shrink and hold the blood inside.
Caesarean delivery
Caesarean section is a surgical technique for the birth of the fetus. This surgery is performed by performing an abdominal incision above the uterus in order to remove the fetus and placenta, as an alternative to natural vaginal delivery.
Arthroscopy of the knee
Tummy Tuck
Laser hair removal
Dress teeth
Cardiac catheterization
Dental implants
The aim of toothpaste is to create a protective structure to keep teeth damaged as a result of crack / breakage in tooth structure, or teeth that have been subjected to reconstructive vehicle treatments, for example after dental root canal treatment, dental implants and others.
Pipe children
Peeling skin
Any skin peeling treatments, based on salt, sand or acid, are used to stimulate skin rejuvenation and create a youthful appearance. Cosmeticians follow many methods to achieve these goals.
In the distant past, people used to use a bristle brush once a week to clean their bodies. This process helped remove the dirt that penetrated deep into the skin and led to the peeling dead skin cells. In addition, the blood flow in small blood vessels increased on the surface of the skin, resulting in a revitalized skin regeneration process.
Dissolve the hymen
Hymen is a flexible and thin ring of connective tissue located in the opening of the vagina, which contains in its center specifically the opening allows the release of menstrual blood through the outside of the body, thus does not close this membrane vaginal area entirely.

The female is born with the hymen, but it usually closes the membrane at the first full sexual intercourse, and sometimes shuts down because of the practice of some types of violent sports or the various accidents experienced by the female. Getting rid of lice in one day is possible with some powerful modern treatments. Here we show the best recently approved lice shampoo but it has some side effects
The treatment of severe constipation quickly provides a lot of suffering and accumulation of feces. When a person suffers from constipation, he will feel uncomfortable as he can obstruct the tasks.
The best backgammon exercises to get rid of back pain that keep you away from painkillers Low back pain is the only cause of disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. In the United States, low back pain is one of the most common health problems

Vinegar is commonly used as an effective treatment for head lice, but lice treatment is often misused. Many people think it will remove all lice, adult lice or eggs. People who sell commercial lice products say home remedies for head lice such as vinegar do not work to market their products.

In fact, vinegar will not kill adult head lice because it simply lacks the properties to do so. The acid found in the vinegar may kill young lice that can not lay eggs that are immature after

MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) is a type of staphylococcus bacteria (staph) that is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics. MRSA is contagious and can cause life-threatening infection.

MRSA isn’t found in the natural environment (soil or water). It lives in the nose and on the skin of humans. MRSA is spread by coming in contact with an infected person or by exposure to a MRSA-contaminated object or surface that an infected person touches.

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